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01 May 2010

A Few Reflections on the Last Exam

This morning (bright and early at 8:30) I took my last law school exam ever.  Sales.
First thought- Very Anticlimactic. Very.  Without a doubt it was one of the more intense exams I've taken in the past three years.  It was akin to the Kostritsky Contracts exam of 1L year that was pages and pages (on legal-sized paper) of fact patterns and hypotheticals.  The exam was "supposed" to be a 2.5 hour exam, but our professor "so nicely" gave us 3 hours.
It was a 3 hour exam.  And I could have used 5.

But, it was very much a typical law school fact-patter, hard-as-hell exam.  Before we commenced this morning, some of my other 3L colleagues in the "handwriting room" and I talked about the ironies of law school.  How law school absolutely changes our opinion on how we look at things.  For example, throughout my undergraduate career, I CRAVED easy exams.  An easy exam was a great thing.  It meant that everyone was going to do well, and there were no worries.  Fast forward three years to the following conversation;
"hey, how was the Criminal Procedure exam"
"UGH! So easy"
"oh man, I'm sorry"
Why do we feel this way, you ask?  A little something called the "curve."  A little something called "friendly competition" because no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that the "curve" just doesn't matter, that it just doesn't exist- it will always be there, judging you against every other single person in the class.  The ever-mystical "curve" in law school makes us do batty things- like being upset about an easy test... because if everyone thought it was easy, no one's getting a good grade.  A single, teeny, tiny mistake on an easy exam will quickly put you into the dreaded B-/C range.
In law school, we crave hard exams-  tough exams that will easily space us out among the curve so that you feel a little bit better about getting the grade you got.  Sigh.
All that to say, I'm kind of glad it's over... but very much in a daze from the past three weeks.  I feel like I've run 3 brain marathons back-to-back.  My brain, right now, is running a mile-a-minute, but is also neither working, nor good for anything but movie-watching and sangria-drinking.

1 comment:

  1. Jealous! I don't have my last exam until next Wednesday. :( But congrats on being done! :)
